Keith and Phyllis Moore
Keith Moore is the founder and president of Moore Life Ministries and Faith Life Church of both Branson, Missouri and Sarasota, Florida. Two of the greatest emphases of Brother Moore’s ministry are the importance of the written Word and the necessity of being led by the Spirit.
Having traveled extensively across the US and abroad for over 30 years, Keith and his wife Phyllis minister strongly on such areas as love, faith, healing, prosperity, and honor.
Their heart is to see the lost saved, the sick healed, the distressed relieved, the broken restored, and the discouraged empowered to victory. Brother Moore says, True Christianity is not the formal, powerless thing that so many have come to know. Real fellowship with the living Christ, the Anointed One, results in the destruction of every bondage, the removal of every burden, and the fulfillment of every good desire. There is no life so exciting as the victorious life that is true Christianity. To God be all the glory!
God’s Will to Heal – Audios/Videos
101 Things God said about Healing – PDF
God’s Will to Heal – on-line book by Keith Moore
God’s Will to Heal – A Personal Testimony