About Us

We are a family living in the Great Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina. I own a couple of businesses and my wife is my business partner, and my best friend. We have 2 adult children. We love Jesus and serve God with all our hearts.

So why did we put up  this website? First of all let me say that we are not seeking any donations or anything from you. Our true purpose here is to assist you in renewing your mind by providing resources that have helped us over the years. We hope that the resources you find on this site help you to begin to move yourself in a more positive direction in your life. Our God wants you to enjoy the abundant life He intended for you, and not the dry and limited existence so many people are experiencing today.

If you feel like your life – or any part of your life – resembles the dry and parched lakebed on the homepage, then I would encourage you to utilize this site as a Resource-Hub to help you to renew your mind to grow into a more abundant life.

I suggest starting with the SPIRIT page and this video.

Next step = look over the various parts of the site – SPIRITSOUL and BODY – and before you make any snap judgments or throw out the baby with the bathwater – ask yourself this question = HAS MY WAY WORKED? If it has not worked to your satisfaction and you are not where you want to be in your life, then try listening to some of the audios and reading some of the materials on the various links on this site. Begin to discover the awesome life God has specially designed just for you. A great audio series to begin with is called THE ABUNDANT LIFE by Keith Moore.

Be sure to fill out the form on our “Contact Us” page to ask us for more help or to give us a personal testimonial of how these resources have impacted your life in a positive way.  We certainly don’t have all the answers by any stretch of the imagination, but we know Who does!! And we just know from personal experience that the information provided here has made a profoundly positive impact on our family and we want to PASS IT FORWARD to others.

We would love to hear from you!!


Family standing outdoors with a mountain landscape in the background